Product Information

Where Do You Source Products From?
Our products are sourced from across America & Europe. We have people on the ground searching far & wide for the best pieces.
What Condition Are The Products?
Unless stated otherwise, every product is pre-loved. You should expect that there will be some general wear & tear. Check the notes on the individual products you're interested in as any defects will be noted accordingly.
What Is The Sizing?
Our products are all deemed to be UNISEX. We use standard US/AU men's sizes as a guide on each product.

Shipping Information

What Shipping Methods Are Available?
Order are shipped via Australia Post. Shipping is free for orders over $75.
Do You Ship Internationally?
Yep, we ship worldwide.
How to Track My Order?
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking and shipping information.
How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?
AUS: 3-7 Days INTERNATIONAL: 5-20 Days

Payment Information

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
Debit/Credit Card, PayPal + Afterpay.

Orders and Returns

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?
Please contact us immediately if you need to change your delivery address. Once an item has been sent we cannot cancel an order.
Can I Return An Item?
Yes. Please contact us to arrange a returns form to be included when you return your item. Return costs are the responsibility of the buyer.